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The content/information provided (in virtual consultations, on this website or on other social outlets linked on this website) are for general knowledge and at times for medical education purposes only. The information provided is the opinion of author, Arezou Hassani B.Sc (Hons), D.Ch. Registered chiropodist also as known as foot specialist in Ontario Canada. Efforts have been made to provide the most up-to-date evidence-based medical information, but content should not necessarily be considered as standard care and may not reflect individual practices in other geographic locations.

Content provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. You should contact your own physician or other qualified medical healthcare provider within your region with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition. Don’t ignore professional medical advise or delay seeking treatment based on information here or on other social media outlets. In the event of a medical emergency, contact your health care provider or your local emergency department.

Any patients involved in the pictures and videos posted here or on other socials, have given consent to being filmed or photographed for educational purposes. Some videos and photos may contain procedural and/or surgical content that some may be deemed graphic and shocking. Please be advised that it may not be appropriate for individuals with sensitivities or who are of younger age.

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